Gossip Girl Season 1 Episode 2
Part 1 (0-10 min)
scandalous /ˈskændələs/
elite /ɪˈliːt/
… the scandalous lives of manhattan’s elite …
it girl — a beautiful, stylish young woman (светская львица)
… serena van der woodsen, everybody’s favorite «it» girl, …
to have a thing for … — to like something or someone very much or to be very interested in them
… he’s always had a thing for serena …
a crush — a burning desire to be with someone who you find very attractive and extremely special
… looks like his childhood crush has returned …
to be bound to — certain to do something; destined to do something
a ploy — a clever trick or plan that is used to get someone to do something or to gain an advantage over someone. (уловка, хитрость)
Well, our kids were bound to meet. It’s a small island … are you sure it’s not some ploy,
a newbie — a slang term for a novice or newcomer
… but serena wasn’t the only one who made an impression…who’s the newbie? …
a shot — attempt
… you think I got a shot at a second date?
to sip — to drink, taking only a small amount at a time
… reading the paper in bed, sipping coffee, …
to host — to receive or entertain guests at home or elsewhere.
… is hosting the annual brunch for his foundation
to blow a chance – to lose an opportunity to do something by doing or saying the wrong thing.
… I got mine (chance), and I blew it. Which means you have nothing to lose.
shred – обрывок, частица, кусочек (shred of hope/reputation)
dignity – чувство собственного достоинства
… no, nothing exceptmy last shred of dignity.
Oh, no. I think that’s gone.
outfit – одежда, костюм
… but, uh, you need a better outfit …
to work something out – разобраться, вычислить
I’m sure if we talk about it, we can work it out …
to regain – восстановить (to gain – приобретать; to gain access/independence/skills)
… some of us are trying to regain our strength.
to strangle — душить
… you gonna strangle him with your scarf
to mock – смеяться, издеваться
… don’t mock the scarf, Nathaniel. It’s my signature.
to be = to behave (пример использования глагола to be в Continuous)
What more do you want from me? Sweetie, why are you being like this?
Vocabulary exercise:
Fill the gaps in the correct form
(host, blow, mock, regain, strangle, thing, outfit, shred, dignity, ploy)
1. I believe her wedding __________ is already made.
And when, after lunch, she came downstairs in her new ____________, bought from Selfridge’s last week, Matey though she looked enchanting.
2. I know I’d ___________ my chance of getting the job if I called them now.
Did I __________ my chance with this girl?
3. There is not a __________ of doubt in my mind that we will win.
But I don’t see that either of us could produce a ___________ of evidence to support our extremely unlikely thesis.
4. As you can see, the Zoo has ___________ a number of exciting events designed to widen people’s interest in its work.
A Sunday morning family show will be _____________ by Eamonn Holmes and Anne Davies.
5. He’s always___________ my French accent.
You can _____________, but at least I’m willing to have a try!
6. It was all a _____________ to distract attention from his real aims.
The __________ was at least partially successful.
7. Many family arguments are made worse because people are afraid of losing their ______________.
It seems you’ve wounded his ______________.
8. This top button is nearly _____________ me!
He looked as if he was all set to ____________ the forty-four-year-old assistant bank manager.
9. You know I’ve always had a __________ for blondes.
Does she have a __________ for Jed, or Jed for her?
10. He saw it as his main chance to ___________ some respect.
After the second world war, cricket tried to _____________ its place in village life but like many other traditions it seems to have died.