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Look — 2
to look a gift horse in the mouth = to be ungrateful to someone who gives you something; to treat someone who gives you a gift badly; to ignore a suitable opportunity Go and say “thank you” to your friend. You shouldn’t […]
Look — 1
to look on the bright side = to try to see something good in a bad situation Whatever happens, I try to look on the bright side of life.
Rise vs Arise vs Raise
to rise (rose, risen) = to come or go upwards = to get up from a lying, sitting or kneeling position = подниматься, расти, вставать The heat haze rose from the ground. They rose from the table. House prices have risen sharply in recent […]
Catch — 2
to catch 40 winks = to have a quick nap I’ve had a good dinner, now I’d like to catch 40 winks.
Catch — 1
to catch someone red-handed = to catch somebody in the act of doing something wrong or committing a crime The cat was secretly eating my beefsteak, but I caught him red-handed.
to run a business = to control/to be in charge of a business (управлять, руководить) He’s been running his company for more than 10 years.