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Why Bother Leaving the House (About Extreme Sports)
Extreme Sport Why (on Earth) do people do it? Would you agree that dangerous sports should be banned as they pose a threat to people’s life and health? Would you agree that only irresponsible people do extreme sports? To what extent do […]
Clothes — 2
to fit like a glove = to be the perfect size or shape for somebody «I am extremely pleased with the dress and it fits me like a glove.»
The Benefits of Online Learning
Will online teaching replace traditional classes? Do you agree that learning online is more efficient than attending traditional classes? Would you say that by introducing online learning we could overcome the problem of poor teaching at schools? Do we still need traditional […]
Clothes — 1
at the drop of one’s hat = instantly, immediately «I always knew that Delhi is an unsafe city, but I did not know that people pull the trigger at the drop of a hat.»