- What is happiness for you? What makes you happy?
- What do you do to be happier?
- Would more money/fame make you happier?
- Do you agree that our health depends on whether we are content with our life/ happy in our relationships?
- How would you comment on that statement:
“There was a recent survey of millennials asking them what their most important life goals were, and over 80 percent said that a major life goal for them was to get rich. And another 50 percent of those same young adults said that another major life goal was to become famous.”
- Has your perception of happiness changed over time?
millenial = a person who became an adult around the year 2000
hindsight is 20/20 — Phrase used to describe the fact that it is easy for one to be knowledgable about an event after it has happened.
to fall apart = to break because of being old or badly made if something such as an organization, agreement, or relationship fallsapart, it no longer continues
a sophomore = a student in the second year of a US college or high school
troubled and disadvantaged families
a tenement = a large building in a city, containing several flats
all walks of life = all social, economic, and ethnic groups
to climb the social ladder = to make a career
to buffer = to help protect something from harm or damage
slings and arrows = unpleasant, negative attacks
to bicker = to have a minor argument
day in day out = every day over a long period of time
as old as the hills = very old
to fare well/badly = to do well/badly
to liven up a stale relationship
family feud = an argument that exists for a long time